Strength for Life program
Strength for Life is an exciting new evidence-based exercise program in the ACT, created to help people over the age of 50 (over 40 for Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islanders) improve their physical strength and fitness, at an affordable price.
Funding from the Australian Government’s Move it AUS – Better Ageing Grant Program has enabled Council on the Ageing (COTA) to expand the program under a unified national brand.
Strength for Life is a progressive training program designed to improve the participant’s strength, balance, coordination and endurance.
Other benefits of the program includes:
- increased mobility
- reduced risk of falls
- preventing or managing arthritis, osteoporosis, diabetes and heart disease
- speeding up recovery from illness
- reducing lower back pain
- improved ability to undertake daily living tasks
- opportunities for social interaction
- improvement in self-esteem and mental well being
Tier 1 –The program is delivered by the physiotherapists and exercise physiologists at Higher Function Physio & Pilates, who work with people with complex injuries and chronic conditions. Baseline and follow up testing is conducted to develop and monitor an individualised program for each participant.
Participants receive a 60-75 minute Musculoskeletal and Fitness Initial Assessment with a physiotherapist or exercise physiologist and an individualised program tailored to their specific needs. Participants complete their supervised individual program during the Strength for Life classes.
Strength for Life Assessment – $120.00
Strength for Life Classes – $20.00
Assessment and classes are claimable from most Private Health Insurance Funds.
Classes can also be attended via Zoom.
For more information or to book, call us on 02 6262 9664 or, book online by clicking HERE.