Osteoarthritis & Good Life with osteoArthritis: Denmark (GLA:D®)


Did you know that 1 in 11 Aussies have osteoarthritis? That’s 2.1 million people! And studies show that 57% of Aussies are not receiving the appropriate care for management of osteoarthritis. We’re here to try and change that.


Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most common lifestyle disease in individuals over the age of 65 years but can also affect individuals as young as 30 years. In Australia, treatment usually focuses on surgery, but the GLA:D® Australia Program offers a better and safe alternative.


GLA:D® is an education and exercise program developed by researchers in Denmark for people with hip or knee osteoarthritis symptoms. Research from the GLA:D® program shows an average pain reduction of 36%, reduced analgesic consumption, reduction in perceived need for surgery, and clinically meaningful improvement in joint confidence.


What does the GLA:D® Program involve? 💪📖👩‍⚕️🦴

The program involves a combination of exercise and education, based around the latest evidence on treatment for people with hip and knee osteoarthritis.

The exercise program is 12 supervised exercise therapy sessions, split into twice a week, 60-minute sessions for 6 weeks. Exercise sessions involve warm up, core stability, joint alignment, leg strength, functional exercise, and a cool down, and are tailored to you depending on your capacity.

We offer classes on a Tues and Fri afternoon, run by our GLA:D® trained physiotherapists. An additional 3rd session per week (completed at home or the gym) is also recommended for best results. The program is tailored to be completed at home and any necessary equipment will be provided to you on your first session.

The exercise is supported by patient education to guide you in the management of your own disease and ensure long-term motivation and adherence; a key parameter to sustain long-term benefits. Topics we cover in education include: explaining what OA is, the risk factors, exercise, coping and self-help, pain, medications, and surgery.

Join the program at any time!


Who is this GLA:D® Program for?

All individuals (any gender or age) who experience any hip and/or knee osteoarthritis symptoms, regardless of severity. We recommend booking an initial assessment with our physiotherapists to determine the nature of your symptoms and diagnosis, allowing us to rule out other possible reasons for your pain such as tumor, inflammatory joint disease, fracture, soft tissue or connective problems. Once an osteoarthritis diagnosis is made, we will recommend you commence our GLA:D® Program.


What are the benefits of the GLA:D® Program ? ✔

This program will provide you with the skills to self-manage your osteoarthritis, strengthen and improve your confidence with exercise, improve your capacity to become or stay active, prevent symptom progression and reduce pain. You will also learn valuable information to help you better understand your diagnosis and be around like minded participants, in a safe and comfortable exercise environment.


Can the GLA:D® Program help you to prolong or avoid joint replacement surgery?

Yes! Research has shown that people can improve their hip and knee osteoarthritis using first-line treatments (Education, self-management, exercise and weight management). This is great as it is a cost-effective way to manage your symptoms.

74% of those who desired surgery prior to completing the GLAD program had not undergone surgery and no longer desired surgery at 12 months.


Do I need a GP referral? 

A referral is NOT required to participate in the GLA:D program. If we do receive a referral from your GP or orthopaedic specialist, we will remain in contact with the health practitioner who referred you, updating them on your progress.


But I have been recommended knee or hip surgery, should I still do the program?

That’s not a problem, it is still possible to commence the program as you await your surgery. Public waitlists are often long, and your symptoms may be severe or even mild and deteriorate during this time. So, commencing the program will aim to prevent this, and potentially even improve your symptoms and function so that surgery is no longer required.

Commencing the program ahead of a planned surgery can also increase your outcomes post-surgery. You can check out our blog post on prehab vs rehab to find out more benefits of exercising ahead of surgery, such as improved cardiovascular fitness.


GLAD® Program: 
  • Initial Assessment with a Physio 60 min
  • 12 x 60 min classes with a Physio (2 per week for 6 weeks) See our class timetable here.
  • 3 month follow up Assessment
  • 2 free Education Sessions about osteoarthritis and how to manage it

Assessments and classes are claimable from most Private Health Insurers. Contact us for more information.


Join us for 2 free Education Sessions about osteoarthritis and how to manage it. Presented by GLA:D® Trained Musculoskeletal Physiotherapist and Director of Higher Function Physio & Pilates, Janet Fabbri. Register your interest byemailing us or call 6262 9664

Session 1: Understanding osteoarthritis and it’s treatment options (contact us for dates of upcoming sessions)

Session 2 : Exercise and self management for osteoarthritis (contact us for dates of upcoming sessions)


Where can I find more info?

Get in touch with us today to book your Initial GLA:D Assessment with one of our GLA:D trained physiotherapists. You can also follow the link below to the GLA:D Website for more details.



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